CRM and Lead Management

Sales. F&I. Accessories. Service. Sales Again.
Build Long-Term Customer Engagements

Which Service customer is likely to buy a new car next?

A customer is much more valuable than a sale. Most car owners buy 10 or more rides in their lifetime. They will service their vehicles hundreds of times, renew insurance for decades, and provide a steady source of income for dealerships that remember and act in time.

At izmo, we will empower you to remember the preferences of your customers, and act in time. Across departments, outlets, and brands.



Touch all the leads in your system. Every Single Day.

Leads are everywhere. In your DMS. In Marketing. In Sales. In Service. In email communication. On mail lapels. Consolidate all the leads scattered across your dealership and touch them every day, unobtrusively. 

Get reminders when a lead is ready to receive a sales call. Track every conversation with every lead.


 Communicate Seamlessly

Telephone. Texting. Email. Chat. Social. Communicate with customers seamlessly, through the medium of their choice. Day after day, for years or even decades. 

With valuable customer insights on your fingertips, it is easy to figure out what to say, and how to say it. Just choose from your pre-built communication templates, like email or telephone scripts, and customize it in minutes.


 Find Out What Works, and Why

Integrated web analytics ensures that you have critical website information at your fingertips. Who is visiting, what is attracting visitors and what’s not.

Quickly find out what works best at the time of the year and deliver that, with izmoweb dealer websites and marketing. 

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