Take control of your markets with izmoweb group websites
Not Just a bunch of websites
The izmoweb group website search architecture is designed to engage your prospects at multiple touch-points – at the group brand level, and at the local dealership outlet.
While the group websites build brand identity and audience appeal, the outlet websites market locational advantages and custom tailored offers, like service discounts during slack hours.
Art Studio Created Design
izmoweb websites for dealer groups are designed in art studios by talented BFAs, trained in creative business design.
Our group website design emphasizes the dealer brand across the web assets spread across the
entire group, while emphasizing the individuality of each dealership outlet.
Mobile first web experience
With over 60% of your prospects browsing your website on cellphones and tablets, our mobile first web experience ensures that every visitor has a delightful web experience in store – no page glitches, banner issues, or browsing bottlenecks.
At the same time,
all izmoweb websites work elegantly well on larger devices too, like laptops and PCs.
Powerful Inventory Marketing
The inventory marketing features
on izmoweb dealer group websites ensure that your new and used car inventory is easily searchable in a
mobile first environment, using a slew of filters.
Interactive Virtual Showroom
The izmo virtual showroom integrated into every izmoweb website combines interior and exterior picture galleries, interactive color selectors, 360° car walkaround, and 360° interior panorama into a powerful virtual vehicle experience guaranteed to improve visitor retention and leads.
Social Proofing
Manage customer testimonials with ease, to build a positive brand reputation online, and drive unsavory comments out of the first page in search engine results.
With izmoweb, every dealership location can add their own customer testimonials effortlessly. Group brand management can add customer testimonials at the group level as well as manage dealer testimonials.
Powerful Web Analytics with GTM integration
izmo takes the complexity out of web analytics, to build a complete real-time status update of the dealer web marketing environment that will make sense to dealers and group management.
The izmo analytics setup now includes Google Tag Manager (GTM) integration, to make campaign tracking even easier.