Here are nine social media marketing trends for your car dealership in 2020.
1: Become More Creative
one would be interested to visit a social media page that has only advertising content
saying – ‘Buy our Car.’
need to get creative and entertaining with their social media marketing.
2: Build Social Connections
with Your Audience
need to think of ways to engage with their social media connections. One way to
do this is to involve them in community initiatives.
3: Influencer Marketing continues
to be a Trend
marketing will continue to be a trend in 2020. Plan a local influencer
initiative that easily integrates with your social marketing strategy.
4: Focus on Diversified Social
Media Marketing Platforms
Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter are still the go-to platforms for marketing
but some of your audiences are also moving towards TikTok, Reddit, Snapchat,
etc. Come up with a game plan to engage prospects on these platforms as well.
5: Move on from Vanity
Metrics to Conversion Rates
‘like’ button on Instagram will vanish shortly. In the future, your car
dealership needs to go deeper to measure real ROI on social media, like user
engagement, conversion rates, etc.
6: Videos will remain the Top
are still be the trend in 2020 on social media platforms. Cars are highly
visual products, and dealers can cash in on this trend with videos of new model
arrivals, service videos, community videos, etc.
7: Micro Content
videos are a hot video trend on social media. Use this video format with emojis
and stickers to capture prospect interest.
8: User-generated Content
Content like customer reviews need to be accorded high priority on social
media. Remember, prospects who read content peer-generated content are likely
to find it more trustworthy and compelling.
9: Personalized Communication
customers expect personalized communication on social media today. Direct and
personalized interactions with customers can massively improve your long term
customer loyalty.